Tuesday 14 May 2013

Font Guide: Tracking, Leading and More

Something that I think I need to communicate to my audience using my typeface is the way that they apply the font. This means tracking, leading and other characteristics such as when it is appropriate to use body copy and what size to set display text needs to be outlined in my specimen guide.

Here is my tracking demonstration set to 30/42pt like the other examples. I don't really like how the label copy to the left of the tracking (i.e. default tracking, +100 and +200 tracking) sit on two lines. This is the only way to get it to fit, however. This may need adjusting slightly.

It looks better on one line, but this forced me to sit it on top of the examples. It's fixed to the baseline grid, but looks a little too close so will need spacing out.

I thought I would add an underline effect to make it apparent that the text is titling something. It is the same colour and point size to the body copy so there could be some confusion.

I also added a little guide to what I have used in the actual specimen book. This is from the body copy, to the headers, to the font values of the demonstration texts. It tells the user what point size I have used, coupled with the leading values.

I went back to the introduction page to double check the consistency in terms of header font values. I decided to do a little more work on it:

I think the introduction page would look a little cluttered with the description, so I took it out and put in a short introduction page that clearly labels both typefaces. I moved the description over to the next page and coupled it with the specimen uses of the font:

Here is what I have so far, in PDF format. The pages are looking a little bit dull and disinteresting at the moment, so I am aiming to resolve these and bring the specimen book to a close by the end of this afternoon. All the development from this point forward will come in the form of issuu pdfs.

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